9 Shocking Reasons of Wet Dreams at Night in Males

Wet dreams are not just messy these can even mess with health and mental calmness. Even if you do not face any signs of weaknesses these occurrences are not to be ignored if occurring frequently more than 1-2 times in a week. Here are 9 shocking reasons of wet dreams at night. Knowledge of these reasons help in overcoming the problem easily and play a role in protecting male’s health and potency.

Night in Males

  • Age is natural cause of wet dreams. Secretion of main male sex hormone testosterone triggers sensation and erotic fantasies and young male faces discharge at night. However many males do not face any night discharge at young age, this too is not a problem and it does not indicate any weakness or malfunction. Age is not one of the 9 shocking reasons of wet dreams at night but a natural cause of the phenomenon.
  • Long sitting hours can be one of the 9 shocking reasons of wet dreams at night for many. These are things to know about sleep orgasms for males involved in sitting jobs. Long sitting hours cause lethargy in nerves of genital region by restricting blood flow that allow semen to pass through easily during sleep.
  • Too much smoking also makes nerves lethargic and weak. Stressed nerves are unable to prevent semen from flowing out and allow wet dreams to occur frequently. For males smoking more than two sticks quitting this habit can be useful way how to stop wet dreams.
  • Reducing weight is another way how to stop wet dreams. Shedding few kilos of flesh off the body improves energy and maintains nerves and other organs healthy. Obesity is one of the causes of wet dreams and other health dysfunctions and reducing extra weight provides nocturnal emission treatment in many cases.
  • Interactions with porn material or erotic conversations during the day bring frequent arousals. These arousals can not only bring wet dreams at night but also strain prostate gland to raise other health issues. Arousals without ejaculation during the day are things to know about sleep orgasms.
  • Masturbation too frequently or regularly also brings wet dreams. Jerking off does not calm desires it just weakens nerves and male organ and brings frequent nocturnal emissions during sleep. Males in habit of masturbation need to quit this habit for effective nocturnal emission treatment.
  • Use of OTC medicines like sleeping pills affects nerve functions. These can make nerves less active and bring frequent episodes of nocturnal emissions. Using herbal remedies for gaining sound sleep in place of sleeping pills is one of the health tips.
  • Urinate before bedtime and keep bladder empty. Males gain morning erections because bladder is full which promotes blood flow in genital region. This can bring wet dreams too. Keeping bladder empty prevents pressure and involuntary loss of semen at night.
  • Gain sound undisturbed sleep. Disturbances early in the morning may not wake you up but do not let you go in deep sleep. The REM sleep or lighter sleep brings dreams. This is the time when you are most vulnerable to face wet dreams. Maintain your bedroom such so that you do not get disturbed while sleeping and gain sound sleep for sufficient duration.

Night in Males

No Fall and Maha Rasayan capsules in combination the best health tips for male of any age. These are herbal supplements that come with wide range of herbs capable of alleviating problem of wet dreams and all sorts of dysfunctions. These improve male’s drive for lovemaking, quality of erections and also staying power in bed. Use of these supplements improve male’s fertility and allow him to extend progeny easily.

No Fall and Maha Rasayan capsules improve nerve functions, reenergize male reproductive system and eliminate toxins and harmful hormones floating in blood to curb wet dreams. These supplements reverse ill-effects of bad habits like masturbation and smoking to make nerves and tissues of male genital region strong.

The herbal ingredients of these supplements improve fat metabolism and improve fitness and energy levels. These counter stress and maintain higher energy. No Fall and Maha Rasayan capsules bring sound sleep. These come with herbs that naturally improve sleep-wake cycle and cure insomnia or sleeping disorders.

These benefits of these supplements improve physical and mental health of a male as well. The strong anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing herbs even reverse signs of ageing and provide a male youthful drive, energy and stamina. These are anti-toxin too and cleanse internal organs to improve their functions and protect brain cells from toxin damage.

Males gain strong and energized muscles, stronger bones and joints too due to positive effects of these supplements. Use of these supplements is one of the best health tips for males to lead a healthier and happier life and staying protected from health disorders of all types.

Also know Ayurvedic Herbal Nightfall Treatment


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